Active Project
A project to improve Baldwin Drive from Navassa Road to Lee Drive. The scope of the project includes widening and paving of Baldwin Drive, installing sidewalks, stormwater, and drainage improvements.
Founders Park (formerly Leland Municipal Park) serves as the flagship facility for a myriad of events and programs throughout the year. Town Council adopted the master plan at its March 2020 regular meeting. The Town is now moving forward with construction which includes amenities such as an
A project to renovate and expand Leland Town Hall. The new addition will include offices, meeting rooms, flex spaces, restroom facilities, and ancillary areas. This project will also include updates to existing facilities, including the addition of new offices, mechanical system upgrades, and
A project to improve the gravel roads of Breman Lane, John Sneed Lane, Graham Drive, and Appleton Way. The scope of the project includes paving the dirt roads, drainage improvements, curb and gutter, new sidewalks, and installing new signs. The project will improve safety of these roadways, provide
A project to improve the intersection at Ocean Gate Plaza and New Pointe Boulevard.
The Town of Leland has been awarded a $1 million Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund grant from North Carolina Emergency Management to fund the replacement of the existing undersized cross pipe on Old Fayetteville Road near Scorpion Drive with a larger, reinforced box culvert to prevent future
A Project to perform vegetative debris removal (Snag and Drag) on approximately 8600 LF Jackey Creek, between Hwy 17 and Lanvale Road. The Town has received full funding for this project as part of the NC Department of Agriculture's, Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program 2024 Grant.
The currently undeveloped Sturgeon Creek Park is intended to serve as Leland’s second water access park. With more than 78 acres, this park has the potential to become a destination facility both locally and regionally for sportsmen and water lovers wishing to gain access to Sturgeon Creek and the
The Town of Leland is proposing to resurface several streets within the Town limits. The scope of the project includes milling, full depth patches as needed, asphalt overlay, new striping throughout, and new street signs as needed. The following streets being considered for resurfacing include