On November 18, 2021, Leland Town Council adopted the Leland 2045 comprehensive land use plan, setting the policy direction for land use, development, and open space preservation as Leland grows, increases in population, and changes in demographics.
Leland created a Street Infill Plan in 2012 to ensure a more complete network of streets and transportation opportunities within the Town. The Street Infill Plan is periodically updated, and was last updated in 2019. The booklet contains a series of maps identifying future streets and street connections that will improve the transportation network in and around Leland.
Leland's Pedestrian Plan was created in 2016 through a matching grant from the NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative. The Pedestrian Plan includes recommendations for infrastructure improvements to create a safe, accessible, and connected pedestrian network in Leland.
Leland’s Master Plan was updated in August 2016 and focuses on the immediate actions to best accommodate Leland’s development in a manner that builds the greatest value to the community and will best leverage long-term growth. The Master Plan Update was developed with a collaborative community process in which we used the experience of the Town’s growth to tune up the policies that help us “grow our future, nourish our roots”.
The Connecting Northern Brunswick County Collector Street Plan was created in 2013 through a joint effort of Leland, Navassa, and Brunswick County. The plan's intention is to create choice and foster connectivity through a recommended collector street plan network based on an inclusive and data-driven planning process.
Building on the momentum of the 2009 Master Plan adoption and the 2011 FlexCode adoption, the December 2012 Gateway Workshop was tasked with the nitty-gritty work of applying FlexCode standards to specific sections of Town, starting with the Gateway section and surrounding areas so that their development and redevelopment over the coming years can help bring the Leland vision to life. The result of that workshop is the Gateway Infill Plan, setting the path to creating the vision imagined in the 2009 Master Plan.
Beginning in mid-2006 and continuing through summer 2007, planners and designers with The Lawrence Group, Rose & Associates, Southeast, Inc., and Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. collaborated with Town of Leland staff, elected officials, and citizens to develop a vision for the Town’s 61 square mile planning area. The effort created the framework for future land use and development, based on the concept of the Rural-Urban Transect where development types and intensities are associated with the surrounding land use context.
Leland's Bicycle Plan was adopted in 2008 and funded through a matching grant from the NCDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative. The Bicycle Plan provides a planning tool which can assist in the expansion, promotion, and funding of safe and efficient bicycle facilities and programs and initiatives throughout Leland.
Leland's Green Network Plan was adopted in 2024. The Green Network Plan is the culmination of shared goals and visions: To protect and maintain the health and ecological function of the Town’s natural resources that are fundamental to the lifestyle, economy, well-being, and resilience of the community.
Leland's Age-Friendly Community Strategic Plan was adopted in 2024. The Age-Friendly Plan helps communities becoming inclusive for all ages by adopting such features as safe, walkable streets; better housing and transportation options; access to key services; and opportunities for residents to participate in community activities.