A project to improve Baldwin Drive from Navassa Road to Lee Drive. The scope of the project includes widening and paving of Baldwin Drive, installing sidewalks, stormwater, and drainage improvements.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
The Engineer is finalizing the final design plans for the improvements along Baldwin Drive. Expected to have for Town review and submission to the Town's Technical Review Committee in Sep 2024.
The Engineer is updating the Final Plans for the improvements based on the constructability review and permitting guidelines. Completion of the design plans is anticipated for Summer 2024.
Town Staff and the Engineer are working on the final design plans and bidding documents for the project. The Town will conduct a constructability review and final changes will be made to the plans.
Preliminary Design Plans for the improvements have been completed. The Engineer will be working with the state on storm water and erosion control permits and finalizing design plans.
Comments and revisions to the Preliminary Design Plans have been sent to the Engineer for review and to update the plans. The Engineer will finalize the design for the improvements.
Preliminary Design Plans for the improvements along Baldwin Drive have been submitted to the Town for review. The Town’s Technical Review Committee sent out the plans for review and comments. Town Staff will provide comments to the Engineer to update the plans.
Preliminary Design Plans for the improvements along Baldwin Drive are expected to be completed in April. Preliminary plans will be submitted to the Town’s Technical Review Committee for review and comments. Town Staff will work closely with the Engineer as we move forward in the design phase for the project.
Geotechnical crews from ECS Southeast will be back out on Baldwin Drive starting Monday, March 27, 2023 to drill and take pavement core samples. Work will take a half day and crews will be working in the roadway. Please use caution while driving in the area.
Geotechnical crews from ECS Southeast will be out on Baldwin Drive starting Thursday, March 16, 2023 with coring and testing. Work will take a half day and crews will be testing along the edge of pavement to minimize any traffic hazards. Please use caution while driving in the area.
ECS will have crews out starting the week of March 20, 2023 to perform the geotechnical inspection along Baldwin Drive. Their work will be sent to the engineer for review and recommendation of any areas that will require additional design or consideration.