The Town of Leland serves our community with ethics, integrity, and transparency while providing efficient, effective, and fiscally responsible municipal services through a commitment to excellence and our core values. Our vision is a vibrant, safe, inviting, and resilient Town with exceptional services that support a diverse community. To accomplish our mission and vision, the Town of Leland needs great employees who are dedicated to making a positive difference in our community. The Town of Leland values the delivery of excellent customer service by our employees and quality of work combined with effective teamwork.
The Town of Leland offers rewarding career opportunities in the areas of Economic and Community Development, Planning, Building Inspections, Administration, Public Safety, Grounds and Facilities Maintenance, Recreation, Cultural Arts, and Streets Maintenance. We encourage and support our employees in meeting their professional goals, helping them to be as effective as possible and make a measurable impact on the Town.
To learn more about who we are, watch the video below.
Together we are Growing Our Future and Nourishing Our Roots.
Our Mission
We exist to create a supportive work environment for employees so that they may be fulfilled in their roles and responsibilities and provide the best possible service to the Town of Leland.
Our Vision
Town of Leland employees feel supported, respected, and have the skills and experience they need to competently contribute to the Town.