The Town of Leland is proposing to resurface several streets within the Town limits. The following streets being considered for resurfacing include Carolina Avenue, Grandiflora Drive, Wyland Court, Stanfield Court, Pine Harvest Drive in Magnolia Greens, Parkmore Court, Alba Lane, Tommy Jacobs Drive, Greymoss Lane, section of Westport Drive, Avebury Court, Eric Court, Potomac Court, and Sunburst Way. The scope of the project includes milling, full depth patches as needed, asphalt overlay, new striping throughout, and new street signs as needed.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
The Town and Engineer have finalized design plans and construction bidding documents are being drafted for advertisement and bid in Spring 2025.
The Engineer has completed the Final Design Plans for the proposed resurfacing project. Town Staff will review with the Engineer.
Town Staff reviewed the preliminary design plans and provided comments back to the Engineer. Next steps are for the Engineer to make revisions and submit Final Design plans to the Town for review.
The Engineer has completed the Preliminary Design plans for the proposed roads to be resurfaced.
The Engineer has begun design on the proposed resurfacing project. Completion of the design plans is anticipated for Summer/Fall 2024.
Geotechnical crews from ESP Associates will be out Monday, May 13, 2024 to take cores at selected locations along Maplechase Drive, Wyland Court, Carolina Ave, Grandiflora Drive, and Pine Harvest Drive. Traffic will be diverted around equipment and crews during coring operation. Residents should expect delays and use caution when driving in the area.
Mobile LiDAR scanning is complete. ESP Associates will be out the week of April 22, 2024 to begin the geotechnical work where they will tow a GPR cart behind a truck and will move at walking speed. Traffic will be slowed down and another truck will follow to protect the GPR cart and give better visibility. Residents should expect delays and use caution when driving in the area.
Survey crews from ESP Associates will be out on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 to conduct mobile LiDAR survey and 2D mapping services that will be used to provide survey data for the Engineer. Imaging will take one-day in the field and then a few days to process and deliver the data.
The Town has brought onboard CLD Engineering, PLLC to survey, design and bid the Roadway Resurfacing project. Survey is expected to begin in April and will take several weeks to complete.
The Town is working to bring an engineering firm on board to begin survey and design in Spring 2024.