A project to improve the gravel roads of Breman Lane, John Sneed Lane, Graham Drive, and Appleton Way. The scope of the project includes paving the dirt roads, drainage improvements, curb and gutter, new sidewalks, and installing new signs. The project will improve safety of these roadways, provide safer multimodal facilities by providing sidewalks for nonmotorized travel, increase access to roadways, and allow greater connectivity to parks and multi-use paths.
Engineering and Design
Construction Contractor
Project Updates
Town Staff is working on bringing an Engineering Firm on to begin the next phase of design for the improvements on the unpaved roads.
Town Streets Crews will be out on John Sneed Lane and Graham Drive repairing potholes and grading the roadway the week of January 3, 2023. Please use caution when crews are working in the area.
The Town of Leland will be hosting a Public Open House for the Unpaved Roads Improvements project on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Town Hall. Residents will have a chance to review the planned improvements, ask questions, and get an overview of the upcoming project.
Concept design plans have been submitted for Town review. Town will review and provide comments back to the engineer.
Atlantic Coast Survey has completed all survey field work. Survey data is expected to be finalized and sent to the engineer to start design of the road improvements and develop concept plans in January.
Atlantic Coast Survey has set the control points and will be back out to complete full survey starting September 30, 2021. Please use caution when survey crews are out and driving in the area.
Survey on the four gravel roads is slated to begin on September 13 and run through October 31, 2021. The Town of Leland will have Atlantic Coast Survey out to survey. Please use caution when survey crews are out.