The Town of Leland has been awarded $258,429 in funding from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture’s Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program (StRAP) to conduct vegetative debris removal activities in Leland streams.
StRAP aims to reduce flooding across North Carolina waterways. These funds are designated for projects that protect and restore the integrity of natural watersheds and drainage infrastructure.
The Town has identified three streams within Town limits that have significant impairment from vegetative debris, downed trees, limbs, etc. which have the potential to cause flooding in adjacent areas. These sections of stream total approximately 8,657 linear feet and encompass areas of Jackeys Creek, Mill Creek, and Sturgeon Creek.
The goal of this project is for vegetative debris to be cleared from the streams and immediately adjacent areas to restore the natural flow of water and lessen the risk of flooding. The project is expected to be advertised for bid in August, with an expected projected completion date of June 2023.
The Town is one of 111 applicants to be allocated funding through StRAP.
View all grants the Town has applied for or been awarded.
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