Leland residents and visitors with questions about utility service, flood risks or economic growth now need look no further than the Town’s website.
On July 27, the Town added to its online catalog three new maps that determine recycling routes, water and sewer providers, and land characteristics. Created by Town of Leland GIS Analyst Elizabeth Galloway, with the assistance of a graduate intern from UNC-Wilmington, the interactive maps help more immediately meet the needs of citizens and the community at large.
“With recent changes to our curbside recycling schedule, increasing calls from new residents trying to determine their water and sewer service providers, and questions from both citizens and developers regarding land in the area, making these maps accessible to the public seemed like an obvious solution, one that provides quick and easy access to information,” Galloway said.
The interactive function allows users to enter and search by a specific address, creating a more user-friendly experience than “static” paper or online maps, noted Benjamin Andrea, Leland Planning and Inspections Director.
The Town website also includes interactive maps regarding development activity, zoning, flood zones, and voluntary annexations into Leland. The creation last year of a GIS Analyst position – filled by Galloway in September 2019 – has allowed the Town to significantly grow this online resource.
“We are always thinking of maps to add to our portfolio that can help residents and visitors, as well as other ways to get information out to the public,” Andrea said. “And we are always open to ideas for maps that could assist the community.”
Public parks, school districts, town limits and “hot spots” of building activity are among the list of ideas for future online maps, Andrea added.
All interactive maps can be viewed on the Town of Leland website. For assistance with spatial data, maps or other GIS inquiries, contact Elizabeth Galloway at egalloway@townofleland.com.