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Apply to Serve on a Town of Leland Board or Committee

Town of Leland Boards and Committees

The Town of Leland is looking for dedicated residents to get involved in local government by volunteering for a Board or Committee position. This is a great opportunity to play an active role in addressing community needs and helping shape Leland’s future. On July 1, there will be openings on the Economic Development Committee, Planning Board, and Board of Adjustment. The deadline for applications is Thursday, March 27 at 5 p.m. Information about each advisory group and how to apply is below.  
Economic Development Committee 
The Economic Development Committee was created to establish and oversee activities of the Town’s economic development program and assist the Town Council in implementing economic development initiatives in Leland. The committee consists of seven members and meets the second Thursday of each month. Committee members serve two-year terms.  

Apply to serve on the Economic Development Committee through the Town’s government portal. 

Planning Board 

The Planning Board is charged with making planning and land use policy recommendations to the Town Council, including changes to the zoning map and code of ordinances. It is advised by staff on the best practices for planning and zoning to reach adopted policy and plan goals. The Board consists of seven members and meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. Board members serve three-year terms.  

Apply to serve on the Planning Board through the Town’s government portal. 

Board of Adjustment 

The Board of Adjustment holds quasi-judicial public hearings to consider requests for variances from land use regulations where special conditions would create unnecessary hardships. The Board of Adjustment also hears appeals of determinations made by staff in interpreting and enforcing land use regulations. It consists of five members and two alternates and meets the second Tuesday of each month. Board members serve three-year terms.  

Apply to serve on the Board of Adjustment by filling out this form. Completed applications should be emailed to Town Clerk Sabrena Reinhardt at 

Town Council will review eligible applications, conduct interviews, and vote to select the new Board and Committee members at the June Council Meeting. The newly appointed members will begin their terms on July 1.  

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