The Town of Leland is being recognized for its flood and risk mitigation efforts with acceptance into FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS) program.
The improvement to a CRS Class 7 rating will result in a 15% discount on the cost of flood insurance premiums for most National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policies in the Town of Leland issued or renewed on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Additional benefits include increased opportunities to learn and evaluate flooding risk, enhanced public safety, reduced damage to property and public infrastructure, and avoidance of economic disruption and loss.
Through its voluntarily participation in the NFIP, the Town adopts and enforces regulations within special flood hazards areas (SFHAs). This allows residents and businesses to purchase flood insurance to assist in rebuilding if a flooding event occurs. Communities that exceed minimum flood development regulations may apply to be part of the CRS program, which recognizes and encourages floodplain management practices beyond the minimum NFIP requirements.
The Town received credit for several activities in areas of public information, mapping and regulations, flood damage reduction, and warning and response, including the following:
- SFHAs that have been preserved in their natural state through conservation zoning or recorded deed restrictions.
- Adding regulations to Town ordinances such as increased elevation or flood proofing of buildings in SFHAs.
- The Planning & Inspection Department’s Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule classification, which assesses the building codes in effect and how they are enforced.
- Public outreach such as direct mailings, #LelandPrepares social media and newsletter content, the annual Hurricane Expo, and the Town of Leland website which includes GIS maps, emergency management planning, and flood protection information.
- Adopting and enforcing stormwater standards that aid in flood prevention.
“This savings is a tangible result of the flood mitigation activities your community implements to protect lives and reduce property damage,” CRS Coordinator William Lesser said. “I commend your community’s actions and your determination to lead your community toward disaster resilience. This commitment enhances public safety and property protection, helps preserve the natural functions of floodplains, and reduces flood insurance premiums.”
The three goals of the CRS program are to reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property, strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP, and foster comprehensive floodplain management. More than 1,500 communities across the country participate in this program. Learn more about the CRS program.
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