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Councilmember Veronica Carter Appointed to NCLM Risk Management Services Board of Trustees

Councilmember Veronica Carter Appointed to NCLM Risk Management Services Board of Trustees

Councilmember Veronica Carter has been appointed to the Risk Management Services Board of Trustees for the North Carolina League of Municipalities (NCLM).

The League Board of Directors appoints the 14 members of the Risk Management Services Board of Trustees. The trustees establish overall policy, set rates, and approve special services. In addition, the board retains professional consultants in the fields of investment management, actuarial study, and financial auditing.

The trustees rely upon consulting actuaries to determine rate levels and reserves to pay future losses. The pool is reinsured for catastrophic claims. The professional staff of the League handles underwriting, claims, and risk management and loss control consulting services.

Learn more about the NCLM Risk Management Services Board of Trustees here.

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